Authors’ Corner

Catherine Nadal – Seeing More Than Clouds in your Coffee & And She Danced by the Light of the Moon

Seeing More Than Clouds in Your Coffee

Stories of a psychic medium in New York City
By Catherine Nadal

Led by Spirit, Catherine has read Italian and Turkish coffee since her late teens. This book reveals the concept of symbols and how to help identify them in our daily lives.

And She Danced by the Light of the Moon

Behind the Eyes of a Psychic Medium in NYC

By Catherine Nadal

Foreword by Laurie Nadel PhD

Illustrated by Squindo

Catherine Nadal has lived a different life than most. Gifted with psychic abilities as a child, she felt lost without direction. What she did not know at that time was that realizing her true identity would take time and patience.

James A. Becker – Secrets of the American Revolution – Buy on Amazon!

Listen to his interview HERE!

Dr. Cecelia Martin – Incarcerated: Escaping the Prison of your Mind

Listen to her interview HERE

Justin American

“Interviews with the Founders”

Justin American is just an American. He was born on the eastern edge of the American Midwest, in a small town next to a big town. He enjoyed playing sports, and sang in his high school’s annual musical. He went to his prom, said goodbye to his friends, and headed off to become a member of the US armed forces. He owns a beautiful dog, loves and cherishes his wife and his kids, loves his country, and most of all, loves his God. Justin’s military service inspired him to learn more about what it really means to “support and defend the Constitution,” the oath he took upon entry into the US military. Now, Justin has decided to dedicate the rest of his life to teaching his fellow Americans, and those who aspire to become Americans, what the Founding Fathers meant by Washington’s statement: “Citizens by birth or choice, of a common country, that country [USA] has a right to concentrate your affections. The name of American, which belongs to you, in your national capacity, must always exalt the just pride of patriotism, more than any appellation derived from local discriminations.”

Listen to Interview

Buy the book here

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